After being told that I looked like Bobby Bo in 1991, I started ditching my soccer heritage and followed baseball more and more. I used to work at an Italian Deli in Orange, NJ and thanks to the owners, a couple of Italian brothers who used to follow the Mets closely, I came to know the misery and joy of being a Met fan. There's nothing like it, really. The first nine years I just listened to them on WFAN and follow them on WPIX....I think Seaver was still calling the games.
Then 2000 comes around and I'm now living in upstate NY. A friend of mine who happened to be a met fan had an extra ticket to the Mets v
Cards, great seats too. I remember it clearly, it was Bordick's first game, Piazza hit a home run and the Mets won it. Rick Reed was the starting pitcher, Ventura was on third, Bordick was at short, Alfonso at second and Zeile on first. Other than getting lost on our way in and out of Shea, it was an excellent day.
When Piazza hit a home run, I felt like the Peruvian National Soccer Team had scored on Argentina in the world cup. Of course, by now soccer is a thing of the past for me, the combination on not playing soccer anymore and leaving my soccer playing friends in NJ just killed any desire I had to follow it anymore, I didn't go out of my way for it. This is were I gained by subtracting I guess.
My next game wouldn't be until 2004. Let's just say that work, marriage, house and baby were priorities. But my loyalty kept growing by the season.
Me and my little met fan.
She's old enough now to know
that Beltran wears number 15 :-)
Go Mets!