Thursday, July 26, 2007

2 hour delay+ el duque= win

Mets v Astros
July 22 2006
My fourth game.

It was an experience to wait for a couple of hours due to a rain delay. The two hours went by fairly quickly, I think that looking at all the orange seats helps a little bit. It's almost like getting lost when you look at the ocean. So beautiful, exciting and full of surprises. El Duque was wonderful of course and Nady had 3 RBI's.
I took my wife and my father in law this time. It was the first time my wife and I had been to a game together. It was the ultimate date.

Monday, July 23, 2007

bringing the fans to the game..

Mets v Marlins July 2, 2005

My third game.

Mrs. Benson pitched and the Mets lost to the Marlins 7 -3. Once again I dragged my father in law with me and took off to Shea. Here's a good one for you, one of the lines in the box score reads MARLINS 9TH: RING REPLACED BELL (both Padres pitchers now). Also, check this out Lo Duca, Mota, Easley and Delgado were playing for the Marlins.

Not much happening in this game. Other than watching Pedro messing with the fans.

We miss him and dearly.

Friday, July 20, 2007

You are not going anywhere with that t-shirt on..

It took me a few years until I attended my next game. This time I would take my father in law. Now picture this, my father in law is a wonderful man from Schoharie County (Schoharie is a farming community about one hour west of Catskill). It was my father in law first time in NYC since, well let's just say he was nervous about getting in the subway. We took amtrak from Poughkeesie to Penn Station and from there we took the subway. Now, I figured I ask someone where the nearest subway was. So I pick one of the Taxi officials right outside Penn, the guy looks at me and my met t-shirt and says; you are not going anywhere with that t-shirt on... everyone bursted out laughing......turns out the guy was a NY Yankee fan, what a surprise. Like a true New Yorker though, he put his baseball bias aside and helped us go in the right direction.

Anyway, we get there with a huge smile on our faces. Thinking about the hot dogs, the cold beverages and of course, baseball. We got to see David Wright's first major league hit. Watching Reyes and Wright was such a thrill. It felt like we actually had something solid for years to come.

Despite the Mets loosing to the Expos, we enjoy every bit of the experience. I think my father in law was in heaven. It was a great day for bonding I guess.
Unfortunately, I lost all pictures from this game. But I managed to dig a picture of David's first hit, a double off Zach Day of the Expos.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ditching soccer for baseball (if my father only new).

After being told that I looked like Bobby Bo in 1991, I started ditching my soccer heritage and followed baseball more and more. I used to work at an Italian Deli in Orange, NJ and thanks to the owners, a couple of Italian brothers who used to follow the Mets closely, I came to know the misery and joy of being a Met fan. There's nothing like it, really. The first nine years I just listened to them on WFAN and follow them on WPIX....I think Seaver was still calling the games.

Then 2000 comes around and I'm now living in upstate NY. A friend of mine who happened to be a met fan had an extra ticket to the Mets v
Cards, great seats too. I remember it clearly, it was Bordick's first game, Piazza hit a home run and the Mets won it. Rick Reed was the starting pitcher, Ventura was on third, Bordick was at short, Alfonso at second and Zeile on first. Other than getting lost on our way in and out of Shea, it was an excellent day.

When Piazza hit a home run, I felt like the Peruvian National Soccer Team had scored on Argentina in the world cup. Of course, by now soccer is a thing of the past for me, the combination on not playing soccer anymore and leaving my soccer playing friends in NJ just killed any desire I had to follow it anymore, I didn't go out of my way for it. This is were I gained by subtracting I guess.

My next game wouldn't be until 2004. Let's just say that work, marriage, house and baby were priorities. But my loyalty kept growing by the season.

Me and my little met fan.
She's old enough now to know
that Beltran wears number 15 :-)

Go Mets!